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2023-10-12 17:41:09






1. 羊肉夹馍




2. 牛肉夹馍




3. 猪肉夹馍





Translation: html What are the three types of Xi'an Roujiamo?

Xi'an is a famous historical and cultural city in China with a rich culinary culture. Among them, Roujiamo is a traditional and distinctive local delicacy that is loved by locals and tourists. Roujiamo can be considered as a culinary symbol of Xi'an, attracting numerous food enthusiasts with its unique cooking techniques and flavors.

Xi'an Roujiamo can be divided into the following three types:

1. Lamb Roujiamo

Lamb Roujiamo is the most classic and popular variety of Roujiamo in Xi'an. To make lamb Roujiamo, high-quality lamb meat is carefully cooked and processed before being stuffed into the bread, creating a unique and delicious taste.

The making of lamb Roujiamo requires precision and craftsmanship. Firstly, the lamb meat needs to be cut into small pieces and marinated with special seasonings to enhance its tenderness and fragrance. Then, the marinated lamb meat is minced in a blender for a certain amount of time to refine the texture.

Once the meat filling is ready, the bread is sliced open and the meat filling is stuffed inside. Finally, condiments and vegetables are added, and the bread is used to cover the meat filling, creating a complete lamb Roujiamo. The finished lamb Roujiamo has a golden color, enticing aroma, tender meat, and a rich taste that is truly mouthwatering.

2. Beef Roujiamo

Beef Roujiamo is another classic flavor of Roujiamo in Xi'an, mainly made with high-quality beef. The process of making beef Roujiamo is similar to lamb Roujiamo, but there are some differences in handling and marinating the meat filling.

The meat filling of beef Roujiamo needs to be made with beef shank or beef leg, as these parts of the beef have tender meat and excellent taste. Fresh beef is selected and treated to remove any unwanted odors before being cut into pieces, marinated, and minced to create the filling with great texture and flavor.

Beef Roujiamo is characterized by its tender meat, delicious taste, and rich beefy aroma. Apart from the meat filling, beef Roujiamo can also be garnished with vegetables and condiments, adding layers of texture and enhancing its savoriness, creating a memorable culinary experience.

3. Pork Roujiamo

Pork Roujiamo is a traditional variety of Roujiamo in Xi'an and is favored by many people. To make pork Roujiamo, high-quality pork is carefully processed and marinated before being used to create the filling.

The process of making pork Roujiamo is similar to other types of Roujiamo, but different spices and seasonings suitable for pork are selected to ensure its unique flavor. The pork filling in pork Roujiamo has a fuller texture, tender meat, and is juicy, complementing the bread perfectly.

Whether it is lamb Roujiamo, beef Roujiamo, or pork Roujiamo, they all have unique flavors and textures, playing an important role in the culinary culture of Xi'an. Tasting an authentic Xi'an Roujiamo not only allows you to experience the charm of traditional cuisine but also appreciate the passion and pursuit of food by the people of Xi'an.

We hope that everyone will have the opportunity to taste authentic Xi'an Roujiamo and experience the charm of Xi'an's culinary culture.


