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2023-12-31 03:05:44
今天小编为大家分享如何做菜好吃、菜谱大全、美食小吃、烹饪技巧、健康饮食等信息,教你做美味佳肴!Chinese cuisine is one of the most popular cuisines in the world. Whether you are in China or any other part of t


Chinese cuisine is one of the most popular cuisines in the world. Whether you are in China or any other part of the world, it is likely that you will come across a Chinese restaurant. As internationalization has become more and more common, many Chinese restaurants have started to create bilingual menus to cater to their foreign customers. In this blog post, we will explore how to write a Chinese menu in English.

First off, it’s important to keep in mind that Chinese menus are often written in a different way than menus in other parts of the world. The names of dishes are sometimes literally translated from Chinese, which can make them sound unfamiliar. Additionally, some of the main ingredients in Chinese dishes may be quite different from what people are used to in Western cuisine.

When it comes to translating the names of dishes, the best approach is to keep the translations simple and clear. In some cases, it may be helpful to provide a brief description of the dish. For example, instead of simply listing “Kung Pao Chicken”, it might be helpful to say “Kung Pao Chicken - diced chicken sautéed with peanuts and vegetables in a spicy sauce.”

Another important aspect of Chinese menus is the ordering format. In China, it is common to share dishes family-style, with everyone taking a little bit of each dish. As such, dishes are often listed under categories such as “appetizers”, “soup”, “vegetables”, “meat” and “seafood”. This system may be unfamiliar to foreign customers, so it’s important to provide a brief explanation of how the ordering process works.

When it comes to writing the actual menu, there are several things to keep in mind. First and foremost, it’s important to keep the menu organized and easy to read. Use clear headings and bullet points to help customers navigate the menu. Additionally, make sure that the font size and style is easy to read in different lighting conditions.

Finally, it’s important to include prices for each dish. In Chinese culture, it is considered rude to discuss money during a meal. As such, Chinese menus often do not include prices. However, for foreign customers, it is important to be clear about the cost of each dish.

In conclusion, creating a bilingual Chinese menu can be a challenging task, but the key is to keep things simple and clear. By providing clear translations, a simple ordering format, and an organized menu layout, you can help ensure that your customers have a positive dining experience.




标签: 英语 菜单