您现在的位置是:首页» 菜谱大全» 广东美食节有什么项目,广东国际美食节简介


2024-01-11 22:30:53
今天小编为大家分享如何做菜好吃、菜谱大全、美食小吃、烹饪技巧、健康饮食等信息,教你做美味佳肴。广州(国际)美食节  时间:11月30日开始,12月11日结束  地点:天河体育中心  简介:广州(国际)美食节作为广州旅游饮食界一年一度的盛事,吸引了大量专业人士和市民的参与,对弘扬中华饮食文化、加强饮食界的交流与合作起了很


广州(国际)美食节  时间:11月30日开始,12月11日结束  地点:天河体育中心  简介:广州(国际)美食节作为广州旅游饮食界一年一度的盛事,吸引了大量专业人士和市民的参与,对弘扬中华饮食文化、加强饮食界的交流与合作起了很好的推动作用,成为以食为主,集饮食、娱乐、商贸、旅游于一体,既具有鲜明的地方特色,更具有国际性、广泛性、群众性、专业性、科学性的著名旅游节庆活动之一。主要内容有明火美食展销、美食文化展示、名牌餐饮产品展示、美食技艺大赛、酒品展示等,并推出各国、泛珠三角区域各中心城市及广州市各区的特色美食和旅游线路。  Guangzhou International Gourmet Festival  Date: From Nov. 28th with a period of 15 days.  Address: Guangzhou Tianhe Sports Center  Introduction: as an annual celebration of Guangzhou tourism cuisine circles, Guangzhou (International) Gourmet Festival attracts numerous professionals and citizens to participate in, which plays an important role in promoting Chinese catering cuisine culture and strengthening the exchange and cooperation among catering circles and has become one of the most famous tourism celebrations that is dominated by food, combining cuisine, entertainment, trade and tourism, has distinctive local features, and is international, extensive, mass, professional and scientific. The main contents include open flame tasty food exhibition,tasty food culture display, brand-name catering products display,cooking competition, and wine set with the featured tasty food and tourism routes of different countries the central cities in Pan-Pearl River Delta Region and the different districts of Guangzhou launched。


