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2023-11-29 19:43:13
今天小编为大家分享如何做菜好吃、菜谱大全、美食小吃、烹饪技巧、健康饮食等信息,教你做美味佳肴!一、兔子英文怎么说啊?2.hare 野兔例:*He caught three hares, but one got away. 他逮了三只野兔,跑了一只。3.bunny彻底正宗的小白兔例



2.hare 野兔例:


He caught three hares, but one got away. 他逮了三只野兔,跑了一只。3.bunny彻底正宗的小白兔例:Dick and Bob had a bunny. 迪克和鲍勃有只兔子。


灌篮的英文:dunkdunk 读法 英 [dʌŋk] 美 [dʌŋk] 1、vt.将(食物)浸入液体;将(某人或某物)在水中浸一下2、vt.& vi.(篮球) 把(球)扣入篮内,扣篮,灌篮短语:slam dunk 扣篮,塞投(篮球动作)例句:1、When I saw the players dunk handsome, I fell in love with basketball.当我看见球员们帅气的扣篮时,我深深地爱上了篮球。

2、And he had the only dunk from the Chinese team, and it wasn't a bad dunk either. 同时,他是中国队中唯一一个成功完成了扣篮的队员,而且那是一个很不错的扣篮。扩展资料一、dunk的近义词:dipdip 读法 英 [dɪp] 美 [dɪp] 1、vt. 浸,泡,蘸;舀取;把伸入2、vi. 浸;下降,下沉;倾斜;舀,掏3、n. 下沉,下降;倾斜;浸渍,蘸湿短语:1、steep dip 陡倾;急倾斜2、gentle dip 缓倾斜;平倾斜3、voltage dip 电压骤降;电压突跌;电压下降;电压瞬时跌落4、dip switch 大灯变光开关5、lab dip n. 色样二、dip的词义辨析:dip, duck, submerge, plunge这组词都有“沉浸,浸入”的意思,其区别是:1、dip 指部分地、暂时地或轻微地放进液体,多暗示一种谨慎或试探性的动作。2、duck 指把头伸进水中,或指游泳时开玩笑地把一个人的头按入水中。

3、submerge 指长时间的完全浸入、潜入,强调浸入液体深层。4、plunge 暗示迅速而有力的动作,但浸入不一定很深。




A: Machine Screw: 机械螺丝 螺丝

B: Tapping Screw: 自攻螺丝 (分使用于金属与使用于塑料二种)   

B-1: Sheet Metal Tapping Screw. (铁板牙自攻螺丝)   

B-2: Plastic Tapping Screw. ( 塑料用, 自攻螺丝)   

C: Wooden Screw : 木工螺丝   

D: Drywall Screw : 水泥墙螺丝   

E: Self Drilling Screws 钻尾螺丝(不锈钢钻尾螺丝,复合材料钻尾螺丝)


1. 螺栓:Bolt;2螺柱:stud;3. 螺钉:nuts;4. 螺母:screws;

5. 自攻螺钉:self-tapping screws;6.木螺钉:wood screws;

7. 垫圈:washers;8. 挡圈::rings;9. 销: pins;10. 铆钉: rivets;

11. 组合件和连接副:assembly and connection;12. 焊钉:welding nail


分具体情况,如果是那种捕食被捕食关系的,用native predator恰当寄生不寄生的那种天敌,用A is B's controling parasite(A是有害的寄生者,B是宿主)natural enemy也可以,泛指的---gelumi~XD 中文翻译一样的英文互相之间意思可是有差别的,大家一定注意。。


Lv da gun are steamed glutinous rice rolls filled with red bean paste or brown sugar that is then rolled and covered in a soybean flour crumble. Its origins can be traced to the Qing Dynasty. The cake, which has a yellowish color, is sweet and a little sticky, with a very nice bean flavor.

Rolling Donkey is a cake made from bean-flour and is a famous Islamic snack in Beijing. It is made from steamed glutinous millet or sticky rice, scattered with fried bean-flour and filled with red beans. After being cut into blocks, it is rolled in soya bean-flour, which is why this snack gets its name, Lv Da Gun. When you roll it in soy bean-flour, it looks like a donkey rolling on the ground, raising dust.

Lv Da Gun has a golden color because of the soybean flour used. It has a sweet taste, soft texture and is popular with people of all ages.


你好!信用卡“透支”的英语是overdraft。另外,malicious的意思是“恶意的,有敌意的”而"malicious overdraft"意思就是“恶意透支”而overdraft limit的意思是“透支额度”。希望可以帮到你!


2008的英语: two thousand and eight;2008 2008年用英语表达是year of two thousand and eight,一般用two thousand and eight指的也就是2008年; 例句:

1、One of the biggest events in China in 2008 is that the earthquake happened in WenChuan. 2 0 0 8年中国最大的事件之一是汶川地震发生在汶川。

2、It will host the 2008 Olympic Games. 她将举办2008年奥运会。

3、How did you like the 2008 Olympic Games? 你觉得2008年奥运会怎么样?


干爹,干爸爸_翻译结果:Andie, dry dad





3.fellow men ============== 1.All the countrymen were in a state of great excitement. 全体老乡都非常兴奋。 2.The villagers, full of hate in their eyes, stared the traitor down. 眼里充满仇恨的老乡们,盯得那个叛徒垂了眼睛。 3.He had not taught for the good of his fellow men. 他那时的教学并不是为老乡们造福。

4.They often visit the villager home after work. 他们下工后常到老乡家串门。

5.The villagers stalled off the enemy patrols for ten minutes so that the guerrillas could safely get away. 老乡们用计把敌人的巡逻队拖住了十分钟,使游击队员们得以安全脱身。

6. While Peng was resting, he called in the Mohammedan peasants. 彭休息的时候,请回民老乡进来。




标签: 英文 灌篮 兔子