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2023-12-31 04:19:29
今天小编为大家分享如何做菜好吃、菜谱大全、美食小吃、烹饪技巧、健康饮食等信息,教你做美味佳肴!Chinese cuisine is a beloved culinary style around the world. It is known for its rich flavors, exquisite present


Chinese cuisine is a beloved culinary style around the world. It is known for its rich flavors, exquisite presentation, and diverse cooking techniques. When referring to the dishes of Chinese cuisine, it is important to know their English names. In this blog post, we will explore the fonts commonly used for Chinese cuisine English names.

1: Regular Script

Regular Script, or Kaishu, is the most commonly used font for Chinese cuisine English names. It is a simple, straight-lined, and elegant script that is easy to read. Regular Script gives the dishes a refined and classic look, which is perfect for traditional Chinese cuisine.

2: Seal Script

Seal script, or Zhuan Shu, is another font used for Chinese cuisine English names. It is a bold and artistic script that resembles the engraved seal characters in ancient times. Seal Script gives the dishes a distinctive, classic, and high-end appearance, which is ideal for upscale Chinese restaurants.

3: Running Script

Running script, or Xing Shu, is a cursive script that is popular for Chinese cuisine English names. It has a free and fluid style, with a unique charm and personality. Running script gives the dishes a modern and contemporary feel, which is perfect for fusion or creative Chinese cuisine.

4: Grass Script

Grass Script, or Cao Shu, is a highly artistic and stylized script used for Chinese cuisine English names. It has a unique and delicate appearance, with a wild and natural vibe. Grass script gives the dishes a whimsical and artistic look, which is suitable for artistically presented Chinese dishes.


Choosing the right font for Chinese cuisine English names is important. The font should match the style and type of Chinese cuisine, as well as the restaurant atmosphere. Regular Script, Seal Script, Running Script, and Grass Script are all great options for Chinese cuisine English names. Each font has its own unique style and personality, which will help to enhance the overall dining experience.


