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2023-12-31 18:09:45
今天小编为大家分享如何做菜好吃、菜谱大全、美食小吃、烹饪技巧、健康饮食等信息,教你做美味佳肴!1、TurduckenTurducken is the most creative American native food. Some Americans also add some melted cheese produc


1、TurduckenTurducken is the most creative American native food. Some Americans also add some melted cheese products to their tastes. (Turducken是最具创意的美国本土食物。有些美国人根据自己的口味还会加入一些溶化的奶酪制品。)This dish is usually eaten in some grand festivals in the United States, like the National Day of the United States (July 4 every year), Thanksgiving, Christmas.(这道菜通常是在美国的一些盛大节日里才吃得到,像美国的国庆日(每年7月4日)、感恩节、圣诞节。)2、布法罗辣鸡翅In Buffalo, the authentic store counts the Anchor Bar and Duff's on the edge of the city, on Sheridan Drive. Most of the pizzerias and roadside pubs in the surrounding area have chicken wings for sale. (在布法罗,正宗的店要数Anchor Bar和位于城市边缘、安默斯特薛理丹路(Sheridan Drive)上的Duff's了。在周边地区多数的比萨饼店和路边酒馆都有鸡翅出售。)This dish is called Buffalo Spicy Chicken Wing in other parts of the United States, but it is called chicken wings around Buffalo and most of the Northeast.(这道菜色在美国其他地方称为布法罗辣鸡翅,但在布法罗周围和东北部大部分地区就直呼为鸡翅。)3、科布沙拉Cobb Salad is a healthy slimming salad that was once popular in the United States in the 1970s. It is cheap and has the effect of losing weight. (科布沙拉是曾经风靡美国70年代的健康减肥沙拉,价格便宜又有减肥的功效,)The secret of Cobb Salad is actually in its sauce. Cobb salad ingredients and production are very simple. It is summer home and men. The economy is suitable for meals.(科布沙拉美味的奥秘其实在其酱汁里,科布沙拉原料及制作都非常简单,是夏日居家男女的经济型适用餐。)4、果塔饼干S'mores is very popular in the United States. The biscuits are made by Graham crackers in the United Kingdom. When the American wild pheasants often sandwich a piece of cinnamon and soft candy in the middle, they become fruit biscuits.(S'mores在美国非常流行。其饼干用的是英国的Graham crackers,美国人野炊时经常会在中间夹一块肉桂块和软糖块,就成了果塔饼干。)5、苹果派The Apple pie was originally a food originating in eastern Europe, but today it is a typical American food. Apple pies come in a variety of shapes, sizes and flavors. (苹果派(Apple pie)最早是一种起源于欧洲东部的食品,不过如今它称得上是一种典型的美式食品。苹果派有着各式不同的形状、大小和口味。)Shapes include freestyle, standard two-layer and so on. Flavors include caramel apple pie, French apple pie, bread crumb apple pie, sour cream apple pie and more.(苹果派(Apple pie)最早是一种起源于欧洲东部的食品,不过如今它称得上是一种典型的美式食品。苹果派有着各式不同的形状、大小和口味。形状包括自由式、标准两层式等。口味包括焦糖苹果派、法国苹果派、面包屑苹果派、酸奶油苹果派等。)参考资料来源:




