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2024-01-01 05:38:12
今天小编为大家分享如何做菜好吃、菜谱大全、美食小吃、烹饪技巧、健康饮食等信息,教你做美味佳肴!As globalization continues to reshape our world, the exposure to international cuisine becomes more frequent. Fro


As globalization continues to reshape our world, the exposure to international cuisine becomes more frequent. From sushi to tacos, croissants to curry, we can easily find foreign dishes in our local restaurants nowadays. However, when it comes to the names of foreign dishes, it can be tricky to translate them into English. In this article, we will discuss the ways to translate foreign cuisine into English.

Firstly, it’s essential to understand that the translation of foreign dishes is not just about turning the words into English. Instead, it requires grasping the cultural context and the ingredients used in the dish. For example, suppose you translate the Chinese dish, “鱼香肉丝” (yúxiāng ròusī) merely as “fish fragrance meat shreds.” In that case, the English version may not attract the customer’s attention since they don’t have an understanding of the dish’s flavor and origin.

Therefore, the use of descriptive words to explain the taste, texture, and ingredients of a dish can be helpful for the translation. For instance, the Thai dish, “Tom yum Goong” (ต้มยำกุ้ง), literally means boiled shrimp soup. However, it doesn’t fully reflect the dish’s sour, spicy, and fragrant taste. So, a better translation would be ‘Hot and sour shrimp soup.’

Moreover, foreign dishes can be challenging to translate as some dishes may rely on a pun or a cultural reference to create their name. For instance, the Japanese dish, “Okonomiyaki” (お好み焼き), translates to “grilled as you like it.” But the dish’s name is not only about grilling the food, but it also suggests that it can be made with any ingredients that the customer likes.

Lastly, when translating foreign dishes, it’s essential to maintain the integrity of the recipe while also ensuring that the translation doesn’t create any cultural misunderstandings or offend any particular group of people. For example, the Chinese dish, “婆罗洲雪糕” (Póluózhōu xuěgāo), translates to ‘Borneo snow ice’ in English. Although the name may seem exotic and appealing to some, the fact that Borneo is a place where many people have been exploited isn’t desirable.

To conclude, translating foreign cuisine into English requires more than just finding a direct translation of the words. It requires an understanding of the cultural context, the ingredients used in the dish, and the necessary use of descriptive words. Moreover, it needs to maintain the integrity of the original recipe while avoiding any cultural misunderstandings or offense. As we continue to enjoy international cuisine and share it with others, it’s essential to take care in how we translate these dishes to ensure cross-cultural understanding and appreciation.


