一、英语作文向外国友人介绍美食?Dear Linda,
You asked me what famous snacks there were in my country. Well, in my country, one of the most famous snacks is tanghulu.
Each different part of China has different tanghulu. It is usually made of haws, which are put together on a stick and covered with ice sugar. But there are more materials for tanghulu today in some places, such as strawberries, grapes, and even little apples.
It is said that tanghulu ever saved the life of an emperor’s wife in the Song Dynasty. It was so delicious and healthy that many Chinese people like eating it. It is now seen as the bright symbols of happiness and reunion.
Are you looking forward to eating it? Come to my country, and I’ll treat you to tanghulu.
二、向外国人介绍家乡美食英语对话?called? I'm also loving it. 太好吃了。我特别喜欢。这个叫什么?我也超喜欢。
B: That is yuxiangrousi from Sichuan. It's called shredded pork in garlic sauce in America. It's stir-fried shredded pork with chilli pepper, garlic, bamboo shoots, wood ear fungus, and a lot of other ingredients. 那是四川的鱼香肉丝。在美国叫做蒜蓉肉丝。它是用猪肉丝和红辣椒、大蒜、竹笋、木耳和许多其他材料一起炒的。
That is yuxiangrousi from Sichuan. 那是四川的鱼香肉丝。
It's called shredded pork in garlic sauce in America. 在美国叫做蒜蓉肉丝。
shredded 切成丝的
食材:pork 猪肉
酱汁 garlic sauce
组合:shredded pork in garlic sauce
也可以加上烹调方法:stir-fried shredded pork in garlic sauce
五、外国传统美食有哪些?西方人饮食强调科学与营养,烹调的全过程都严格按照科学规范行事,菜肴制作规范化,因而厨师的工作就成为一种极其单调的机械性工作。西方的特色食物如下: 1、披萨是意大利(Italy)的传统美食(traditional food)。它是一种由特殊的饼底、乳酪、酱汁和馅料制成的,是最具有意大利风味的食品。 2、长棍面包是法国的特色食物(Characteristics of food)。它拿起来方便(convenient),吃起来可口(delicious)。新出炉的棍式面包外皮金黄酥脆,内里松软可口,一脆一软,越嚼越有味。 3、烤牛排是英国的传统食物。它是由大块带油的生牛肉放入烤箱中烤制而成,做好后再蘸一些西式芥末酱并配以约克热布丁(Yorkshire Pudding)一起食用。 4、汉堡包是英语Hamburger的音译,是现代西式快餐中的主要食物,最早的汉堡包主要由两片小圆面包夹一块牛肉肉饼组成,现代汉堡中除夹传统的牛肉饼外,还在圆面包的第二层中涂以黄油、芥末、番茄酱、沙拉酱等,再夹入番茄片、洋葱、蔬菜、酸黄瓜等食物,就可以同时吃到主副食。这种食物食用方便、风味可口、营养全面,现在已经成为畅销世界的方便主食之一。汉堡热量高,含有大量脂肪,不适合减肥人群或高血压高血脂人群过量食用。 5、热狗(hot dog)是火腿肠的一种吃法。夹有烤肠的整个面包或者三明治也可以直接称作热狗。和狗这个动物本身没有什么联系,只是面包的一种称呼。吃热狗的时候可以配上很多种类的配料。热狗还有其他种的变化。加起司的叫做“起司热狗”,或是直接叫“起司狗”。加了辣肉酱(chili)的叫做“辣狗”。前面两种全加的就叫“辣起司狗”。裹了玉米浆的油炸热狗,而且插了根小竹棒的叫做玉米狗。受各地方不同饮食习惯的影响,热狗会使用不同的材料,传统上使用法兰克福肠。 6、三明治,和三文治都是通过英文单词sandwich音译的。Sandwich是一种典型的西方食品,以两片面包夹几片肉和奶酪、各种调料制作而成,吃法简便,广泛流行于西方各国。 7、蛋挞(Egg Tart),是一种以蛋浆做成馅料的西式馅饼;台湾称为蛋塔,“挞”是英文“tart”的音译,意指馅料外露的馅饼(相对表面被饼皮覆盖,馅料密封的批派馅饼)(pie);蛋挞即以蛋浆为馅料的"tart”。做法是把饼皮放进小圆盆状的饼模中,倒入由砂糖及鸡蛋混合而成之蛋浆,然后放入烤炉;烤出的蛋挞外层为松脆之挞皮,内层则为香甜的黄色凝固蛋浆。初时茶餐厅的蛋挞都比较大,一个蛋挞便可以成为一个下午茶餐。我国香港特区的不少酒楼的点心中也包括蛋挞仔(小型蛋挞)。
六、新年演讲稿英语?Good morning, everyone!
I feel so lucky to have the opportunity to give a speech on this special day.
Today marks the beginning of a new year. We all have different experiences in the past year. Regardless of the results, we should take this new year as a new starting point.
Let us use the courage and determination of the new year to surpass ourselves and embrace the future with optimism. I firmly believe that with our efforts, this year will be better than ever.
Happy New Year!
The cuisine: Generations of emperors and blue-blooded residents have set the standard for high-end Chinese cuisine. The city is famous for imperial cuisine, or guan cai (官菜), which uses only premium quality ingredients and is cooked with complex techniques.
八、介绍美食英语?Gourmet food is delicious food, with expensive delicacies and cheap street snacks.
Good food is not just the food on the table. It also includes leisure snacks, biscuits, cakes, sugar, candied fruit, dried fruit, meat food, tea brewing and other products, each with its own flavor, which can be called delicious food.
九、美食英语作文?Chongqing: chili-fried chicken cubes
The cuisine: Even compared with food from Sichuan, China's mecca of spicy dishes, Chongqingcuisine scores high in spiciness and numb-inducing ingredients.
The dish: La zi ji combines crispy chicken breast cubes with a fireplace of peppercorn, toastedsesame and dried bird's-eye chilis to create a plate of hot, red deliciousness.
Hubei province: three delicacies wrapped in tofu skin