您现在的位置是:首页» 菜谱大全» 秘鲁传统美食的原材料及生长环境,秘鲁的美食柠檬汁腌生鱼


2024-01-11 21:36:07
今天小编为大家分享如何做菜好吃、菜谱大全、美食小吃、烹饪技巧、健康饮食等信息,教你做美味佳肴。秘鲁最大众化的美食就属秘鲁烤鸡了,先将新鲜的整鸡用调料腌制,然后放入烤箱进行滚动烤制,最后蘸着秘鲁特质的黄辣椒酱食用。秘鲁的土豆很出名,有400多种土豆的做法。秘鲁的国饮inka cola,在秘鲁,可口可乐的销量不如inka


秘鲁最大众化的美食就属秘鲁烤鸡了,先将新鲜的整鸡用调料腌制,然后放入烤箱进行滚动烤制,最后蘸着秘鲁特质的黄辣椒酱食用。秘鲁的土豆很出名,有400多种土豆的做法。秘鲁的国饮inka cola,在秘鲁,可口可乐的销量不如inka cola。Pisco Sour是秘鲁最闻名的鸡尾酒,有冰块的摇酒器内倒入皮斯科酒2份,柠檬汁1份,柠檬角一个,糖2匙蛋清一个摇匀,滤至杯中在泡沫上加3滴安格斯图拉苦酒。

sawiche: pescado+limonpaneton:panpaellopallo con arooz


  小吃:秘鲁烹调是产生于西班牙和本地烹调的偶然交融 二者都已有了大发展-更重要的是受到了其它多种美食传统的深远影响。从非洲来的奴隶,上世纪居住在秘鲁中部的中国人,还有意大利人,在他们的影响下形成了现今的可口而种类繁多的秘鲁烹调。.  赛比切鱼片  据普遍假设,“塞比切”来自古莫切语尽管在阿拉伯烹调中也有一道名字相似的菜这道菜是出于鱼和肉的保鲜需要,把它们浸在卤汁中,由此而发明的。虽然古代的秘鲁人还不知道柠檬这种东西,但他们却知道其他一些酸味水果,比如“CHURUBA”,“CAMU-CAMU”和西藩莲。这些水果的果汁都能提供充分的保鲜功能。后来在收编沿海地区的时尚菜谱时这道菜里又加入了红洋葱,辣椒,咖喱和莴苣,直到安第斯移民的到来,它才最后定形为加入煮红薯和玉米棒子的形式。  Peru is the cooking of local produce in Spain and the occasional cooking blend the two have been great - more importantly, the other by a variety of traditional cuisine of far-reaching implications. From Africa to the slaves of the last century living in Peru and Central China's people, and the Italians, in their present form under the influence of a wide variety of delicious and Peru's cooking. .  Cut fish than the game  It has been generally assumed that, Cypriot than the cut from the ancient Moche despite the language in the Arab cooking also has a name similar to the food dish out of the fresh meat and fish need to dip them in Lu Zhi, and this invention The. Although the ancient Peruvians do not know what this lemon, they know the other sour fruits, such as CHURUBA, CAMU-CAMU Lin Fan and the West. These fruit juice can provide adequate preservation of function. Later incorporated in the coastal areas of the fashion dish in the menu when they joined the red onion, pepper, curry and lettuce, the Andean until the arrival of immigrants, it was the last to join the amorphous boiled sweet potato and corn in the form of the stick.

  多民族性  秘鲁是一个拥有多个种族,多种语言和多种文化的国度。位于南美洲西北部,为古印加文化的发祥地。其多样性的自然环境、亚马逊河丛林、安底斯高原印加遗迹及世界最高的的的喀喀湖,使秘鲁成为世界上最具观光价值的国家之一。利马拥有超过75间种类各异的博物馆。其中最有名最好的,当属殖民时期和前美洲时期艺术和历史方面的博物馆。值得一提的是和南美其它国家一样,秘鲁的博物馆星期一闭馆。




标签: 秘鲁 美食