您现在的位置是:首页» 食材百科» 很好吃英语怎么说,真好吃呀用英语怎么说


2023-08-28 01:12:41
今天小编为大家分享如何做菜好吃、菜谱大全、烹饪技巧、健康饮食等信息。How to Say 好吃吗 in English?好吃吗 is a very common Chinese phrase that means is it delicious? or does it taste good? So how do you

今天小编为大家分享如何做菜好吃、菜谱大全、烹饪技巧、健康饮食等信息。How to Say “好吃吗” in English?

“好吃吗” is a very common Chinese phrase that means “is it delicious?” or “does it taste good?” So how do you say this in English? There are a few different ways:

What are some English phrases that express the same meaning as “好吃吗”?

There are a few different ways to ask if something is delicious or tasty in English:

“Does it taste good?” “Is it yummy?” “Is it tasty?” “Does it taste great?” What are some appropriate responses to “好吃吗” in English?

There are lots of ways you could respond to this question in English Here are a few:

“Yes its delicious!” “Its really tasty!” “I love it!” “Its one of my favorite foods” How can you describe food in English?

If you want to talk about food in more detail there are lots of adjectives you can use to describe it Here are some examples:

Savory Sweet Spicy Tangy Bitter Sour How do you order food in English?

When you go to a restaurant in an English-speaking country you will need to use English to order your food Here are some useful phrases:

“Can I please have the (dish)?” “Ill have the (dish) please” “Could we get a (appetizer/side dish/drink)?” “Can you recommend something?”




标签: 英语 好吃