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2023-11-19 04:27:08
今天小编为大家分享如何做菜好吃、菜谱大全、美食小吃、烹饪技巧、健康饮食等信息,教你做美味佳肴!一、用英语描述做一道菜请用英语描述一道菜的做法?Pork and Vegetable Dumplings Mix some pork,leafy vegetables and salt.Then make small circ



Pork and Vegetable Dumplings Mix some pork,leafy vegetables and salt.Then make small circles of dough. Put the meat,leafy vegetable and salt on the dough.Close the dough around the meat. Put the dumpling into a wok with hot water. Now,it's time to eat.Enjoy your delicious dumplings.猪肉和蔬菜混合,绿叶蔬菜和盐.然后把面擀成小圆圈。放在上.周围的肉面团,肉,多叶蔬菜和盐。放入锅中用热水的饺子。现在,是时候享受您的美味饺子。







(Stepbystepinthe chronologicalordertodiscribewhattodoandnext.)




世界上有许多不同的菜系,不同的菜系里又有许多不同的菜. 在杭州,有一种叫做“松子桂鱼”的美食,它可是我的最爱啊!每次到外面的酒店、饭店里去吃饭,这道菜可是必点哦!没有了这一道菜,好像其他再好吃的菜,都变得没有味道了. 在很久以前,因为被鱼刺刺到了喉咙,所以那时的我可是不吃鱼的,别说一块了,一“滴”都不可能. 可就在那时,桌上出现了一道黄澄澄的菜,在灯光的照耀下,好像还闪闪发光呢!我一下子就被这道外形靓丽的菜所吸引了.瞧,旁边还有些儿点缀的小星星——松子呢!这可是让我大开眼界了. 我稍微夹了一小块,发现在那层黄澄澄的皮的里面,竟然是这么洁白,给人感觉又嫩嫩的肉啊!我毫不犹豫就把它往嘴里送. 含在嘴里的时候,有一股浓浓的味道糊上了我的心上.那味道,甜里带了点酸味,酸里又带了点甜味,真是让人回味无穷啊! 我轻轻地咬了一口.嗯,外面酥酥的,味道浓浓的,又好象是脆脆的.总之,就是美味极了. 而里面,我已开始还担心那肉会没有味道,让人难以下咽呢.可吃了下去,才知道原来那肉不仅又嫩又滑,该有的味道,一点儿也没有少啊,甜甜的,酸酸的,真是吃了一块还不够,还想要再来一块呢! 那点缀的小星星——松子,不仅又脆又小,味道十足,外面,好像也包裹了一层浓浓的松子鲑鱼的味道. 品尝完,我简直不敢相信这是鱼,竟然有这么入味,这么好看,这么美味,这么完美的鱼!我对这道菜的评价只有一个字,那就是——赞! 这可真不愧是我最喜欢的一道菜啊!


Coke chicken wing is a delicious meal.There is a lot of method to make it,but the main ingredients are coke and chicken wings.It taste delicious,it's colour is good,the chicken wings are medium-rare,not too salty and sweet,and it save the smell of the coke,it is very popular.

There is a story about the coke chicken wings:in China,people usually use Caramel color roast chicken,a restaurant at Jinan,Shandong Province,accidantally tipped over the coke into the pot which had contain the chicken wings,and they discovered that it is more convinient.And it tastes different,so this method become popular.

Coke chicken wings can make in this way:the ingredients are eight chicken wings,one teaspoon of Monosodium glutamate,a cup of coke,1/4 bottle of soy sauce,a big teaspoon of sugar,two piece of onion,several dry chili,a teaspoon of cooking wine.The mothod is all the ingredients(except the chicken wings)mix together.The chicken wings cut into two pieces,put them into the liquid that had just mixe


How to Make Dumplings

Dumplings is my favourite food. Since childhood I haw learned how to make it. There are five steps.

First you make the dough by mixing water into the flour. The container shculd be big enough lest the flour and water will overflow. Press the dough with your hands till it is not sticky. When the dough is ready, leave it there for use later, then go on to make the fillings.

The second step is to mince the meat, mushrooms and shnmps till they are mixed in a paste. Add some spice such as ginger and onion and stir them evenly.

The third step is to make the wrappings. Roll the dough with a round stick into small round pieces of wrappings, each two inches in diameter.

The fourth step is to put the filling in the middle of a wrapping. Then press the wrapping tight and a jiaozi is ready. When you have made enough dumplings, the next step is to boil them.








That is the last step. Put a pot of water on the stove. When the water is boiling, put the dumplings one by one into the water and cover the pot. When steam comes out, add more cold water and when it boils again add cold water a second time. When you see the dumplings floating in boiling water, you can put them in bowls or plates, get the chopsticks and be ready to eat.




Pork and Vegetable Dumplings Mix some pork,leafy vegetables and salt.Then make small circles of dough. Put the meat,leafy vegetable and salt on the dough.Close the dough around the meat. Put the dumpling into a wok with hot water. Now,it's time to eat.Enjoy your delicious dumplings.




Steps to Making Deviled Eggs:

1.Let eggs cool and then peel.

2.Using a sharp knife, cut eggs lengthwise in half.

3.Remove egg yolks and place them into a mixing bowl.

4.Using a fork, mash egg yolks together.

5.Add ingredients to the mashed egg yolks according to your favorite recipe.

6.Fill egg whites with the yolk mixture - you want to have the mixture heaping.

7.Arrange the filled white halves on a plate.

8.Garnish with your desired toppings.

9.Serve well chilled. NOTE: The stuffed eggs may be made 1 day in advance and kept covered and refrigerated. 这是魔鬼鸡蛋的做法 其实就是填充了很多调料的鸡蛋 之所以被称为魔鬼是因为有的调料很辣或看起来不是那么“好看”。考虑到你要求高一的水平就弄一个比较容易的菜咯 嘿嘿 不过还是有几个生词的 这也难免 这也是个学生词的过程啊希望能帮助你哦




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