您现在的位置是:首页» 食材百科» 东坡肉做法用英文表达简洁明了,东坡肉来源及做法英语


2023-12-27 21:13:53
今天小编为大家分享如何做菜好吃、菜谱大全、美食小吃、烹饪技巧、健康饮食等信息,教你做美味佳肴!Dongpo Pork is a famous Chinese cuisine, named after the renowned poet Su Dongpo. It is a traditional dish that o


Dongpo Pork is a famous Chinese cuisine, named after the renowned poet Su Dongpo. It is a traditional dish that originated from Huaiyang cuisine, and is now enjoyed by people all over China and around the world.

To make Dongpo Pork, you will need the following ingredients:

500g pork belly 20g ginger 6 pieces of green onion 1 cup Shaoxing wine 1 cup soy sauce 1⁄2 cup rock sugar 2 cups water


1: Cut the pork belly into 4 equal pieces, and blanch them in boiling water for 5 minutes. Remove the pork from the water and rinse it under cold water to remove any impurities.

2: In a separate pot, sauté the ginger and green onions until fragrant, and then add the Shaoxing wine, soy sauce, and rock sugar to make the sauce.

3: Add the pork belly to the pot of sauce, and let it simmer for 2-3 hours, until the pork is soft and tender.

4: Remove the pork from the pot, and let it cool for a few minutes. Cut the pork into thick slices, and serve it with the sauce.

Dongpo Pork is a dish that requires patience and skill to make. The pork belly should be cooked slowly in the sauce, so that it absorbs the flavors and becomes tender. The sauce is key to this dish, and should be made with quality ingredients to ensure a rich and well-rounded flavor.

Dongpo Pork is a delicious and hearty dish that is perfect for any occasion. Its rich flavor and savory aroma make it a favorite among foodies and gourmands alike.

If you are looking to try your hand at Chinese cuisine, Dongpo Pork is an excellent choice. Its simple yet sophisticated flavors will impress both your family and friends. Give it a try, and savor the taste of this timeless Chinese classic.


