主料 Ingredients 黄瓜 cucumber 50g 50g 生菜 romaine lettuce 10g 10g 鸡蛋 egg 1个 1 鱼丸 Fish ball 50g 50g 蟹足棒 Crab stick 50g 50g 火腿肠 Ham sausage 50g 50g 熟米饭 Steamed Rice. 200g 200g 辅料 accessories 苹果醋 apple vinegar 适量 appropriate amount 鸡精 Chicken 适量 appropriate amount 盐 salt 适量 appropriate amount 烤紫菜 Baked laver 适量 appropriate amount 步骤 step 1.将火腿切成宽一厘米的段。 1 sliced wide cm segment. 2.将黄瓜,生菜,鱼丸,鸡蛋饼切成宽一厘米的段,蟹足棒和鱼丸入沸水中煮熟。 2 cucumber, lettuce, fish, egg cake cut into one centimeter wide, crab sticks and balls into the boiling water, cooked. 3.鸡蛋液在锅中煎成蛋饼,切成长条。 3 egg liquid in the pan fried into Egg cakes, cut into strips. 4.新蒸熟的米饭打散,盛出一碗,倒入少许苹果醋,撒入适量盐,鸡精拌匀。 4 new Steamed Rice steamed up, filled a bowl, pour a little Apple Cider Vinegar, sprinkle salt, mix chicken. 5.这是火腿肠寿司。 5 this is the ham sausage sushi. 6.这是蟹足棒寿司。 This is Ashikaga Zushi 6. 7.这是鱼丸寿司。 7 this is the fish sushi. 8.分别用寿司帘卷好,然后切开即可。 8 respectively with sushi curtain, then you can open.