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2024-01-05 15:11:05




II. Choice of Table and The Arrangement of Seats

A. Choice of Table and The Arrangement of Seats

In China, people would like to choose round table. On the round table, everyone sits around the table to enjoy the same dish from one plate. In Chinese tradition, people view left higher than right. It is manifested in the seat arrangement. Furthermore, the older are regarded as the honor and should be arranged to the left of the host. However, with time going, nowadays things change, so does the view of position. It does not only inherit the tradition, but also use some views of western countries as reference. The guest should be arranged to the right of the host ( ). As it is shown in diagram1-2, the guest will be arranged on the right of the host. The more important the guest is, the shorter distance the guest away from the host or hostess is. The major guests should be arranged to the seats facing the door of the room.

In America, they tend to use the rectangular table. Just as what has been mentioned above, they regard right higher than left. Usually, they place name cards on the table to tell the guests where their seats are. If there aren’t any cards, the host will lead the way for their guests and the hostess should be the last one following the guests to go into the dinning room. All men present shouldn’t have their seats until the hostess sits down. Husbands and wives are separated to sit like the letter "x", as it is shown in the diagram 1-1.

B. The Implied Meaning

Chinese prefer the round table, since in Chinese opinions, round symbolizes reunion. On the table people can talk face to face with anyone. Moreover, round table can accommodate more people. Because Chinese like inviting guests as many as possible.

In America people respect privacy and individuality, thus choosing a rectangular table leave a lot of space for their personal space. What’s more, husband and wife are separated. In so doing, people get more chance to make acquainted with others. It is more convenient for intercourse.

III. Choice of Tableware and Manners on Table

A. The Way in China

1. The Origin and Use of Chopsticks

  We use chopsticks, bowl, scoop, plate on the table. To begin with, most people concern about the origin of the chopsticks. There are different stories about the chopsticks.

Chopsticks have already used for at least for 3000 years in China. In Qin dynasty, we called the chopsticks “zhu”. Because it sounded like Chinese word “zhu”( in Chinese it means stop), the Chinese word “kuai”take place of “zhu”(kuai means quick), so today people call the chopsticks “kuai zi”.(Li,73)  In Chinese history ,there was a man called “yu”, who was a hero fight against the flood. One day he came to an island and felt very hungry, and then he cooked the meat by himself. Yu didn’t want to waste time to wait until the meat in the pot to be cool, for he hurried on controlling the flood. So he used two sticks to pick up the meat from the pot to eat. Since then people began to use these two sticks to pick up the food from the plate. (Long,18).

   The rule to use the chopsticks is what we Chinese mostly emphasis. We usually hold the chopsticks with the right hand, while the position we hold should either be on the top or at the bottom. Though it is only two sticks, many manners and contraindications have shaped.

·It means you will be poor in your whole life when you knock at the bowl with the chopsticks.

·The chopsticks can not be inserted in the bowl vertically.(It means you are worshiping the dead)

·Do not put the different chopsticks in use which are made of varied materials and of different colors.

·Do not put chopsticks on the bowl after dinner.

·You are not allowed to hold the chopsticks around all the dishes to arouse others’ attention while you don’t pick up anything.

·You can not hold the chopsticks with your forefinger pointing to others.

·Do not use the chopsticks to pick up food in the soup.

·Do not hold the chopsticks unevenly, for we call it “san chang liang duan” (in Chinese it means misfortune)


